Saturday, December 31, 2011


As 2011 comes to a close, there is a lot to reflect upon in this past year. I have done so much more than I ever thought I would and have taken a lot of "chances". I really can't believe the roller coaster ride I have been on.

I will admit, it is has been a tough year for me. I never ever imagined that at 29 I would be where I am, nor would I change a thing (even though I wonder why a lot). For I know there is a reason for every season in life and all of this has shaped who I am today.

I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in the new year. The possibility of being closer to friends but also making new friends. The chance to travel more, the ability to have a place to call "home" as well. (vague here, still working out all these details, but you will see what I mean soon, hopefully!)

I want this new year to be the best, I want to become more involved in church, want to go on a mission trip, become a better friend, a better sister, a better daughter. I want to not worry so much about "what others think". I want to have happiness. I want my quiet times to be richer. I want my love for Christ to grow more than anything else, truly, that is the most important thing, eternity!

I am actually excited to start this new year. God's promises are amazing and I know wonderful things are in store!
(Heb. 10:35-36)

Friday, December 16, 2011

December fun...

This month has flown by! I truly don't know where all the time has gone. I knew it would. Holiday time always seems to go so fast for me. It has been an amazing month I will say that!

See ya Texas---that's right, I left Texas the first week of this month. I enjoyed my time there, but I was really ready for a change. I was ready to be closer to my family and truly ready for a break from work.

I did not break too long. I spent the first week at home helping my sister out with my nieces candy land birthday party! Talk about fun--I think it would be so much fun to be a party planner...but stressful too!

I also had the chance to take care of one of my friends daughter for three days. It was so much fun to have a little baby around. My nieces and nephew ate her up (and I did my fair share of spoiling as well :). I'm sad I don't have a current picture of AC, she is so cute and so incredibly sweet. I got a new phone so all of my pics are gone that I took, and trust me I took a lot, she is too cute! But here is a pic from when I first met her...
Isn't she sweet?

The next week I took off for California. I will be honest here, I was dreading this trip! But I really could not pass the opportunity up. I was only going to be there for a week, only had to work for two days, the whole trip was paid for except for food--who would turn it down? Let me tell you how many times God surprises me. I can almost guarantee if I am dreading something, it turns out to be one of the best things I have done. I had a lot of fun and met some really awesome people.

I returned home Christmas Eve night...actually got back to my parents house at 1200 am Christmas Day. When I woke up I got to hang out with this precious little one...
Can you say happiest child ever? I think all she does is smile, and she is just beautiful!

I also got to spend some time with the other three kid's in my life.

Of course Blaine was too busy for a picture! But we had a lot of fun playing Just Dance 3 and spending time together.

I have spent most of this week with my brain shut off. I guess I needed it after the last few weeks. I have already started thinking about what 2012 is going to hold for me. See next post on that...yeap that's right two post in one day! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time away...

I am taking some time away from Facebook for the month of December. I know that I have been doing a lot of Facebook stalking/exploring out of pure nothing else to do...however, I do have other things to do. I have books to read, sewing I want to do, friends to see, and most importantly...God... that I need to be giving more time to. This conviction hit me hard this week!

Also, I am nearing the end of my assignment here in Houston, I have four days left of work. This is bittersweet. I am going to miss a good many things about Houston, but I am very ready and excited to move forward.

I can’t wait to spend a few weeks with my family in Alabama and be able to visit friends that I haven't seen in weeks.

With all of that said and done I want my perspective this Christmas on what really matters...God sending His son for and me! And all the many blessings He has provided…family and friends. I pray the season of thanksgiving overflows to everyone’s Christmas!

I will try to update my blog (even though I am sure not many peps read it :) on what is happening and where I am going next. So keep checking on me, I haven't disappeared, just trying to keep perspective on what is important!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


With it being Thanksgiving this month and seeing so many post about things they are thankful for, I want to also. I don't think a month should remind us to be thankful...we truthfully should be thankful all the time, but I do think we tend to loose focus and a month dedicated to Thankfulness can be a good thing and a great reminder for us, especially leading into Christmas. So here goes my thankfulness...even though I know I won't be able to nearly cover everything.

-my Salvation
-my parents, raising me in a Christian home, all they do for me, I don't say thanks near enough
-my siblings
-my nephew and nieces...can't imagine having any kids of my own, I love these kido's so much!
-Anna Britten's hugs-they are the best--(it was worth my 14 hours in a car this weekend just to have a 2 year old hug my neck for 5 minutes straight :)
-my job and the ability to travel doing it
-being able to see God's miracles everyday at work
-my friends, love being able to pick up with all of them so easily, even when we do not see each other all the time, but it seems like we just saw each other yesterday

I have so many other things I am thankful for, it would take me all night to share how richly I have been blessed!

(So I guess the next is really just a favorite thing right now, but seriously I want everyone to know how awesome it is!)

-Shane and Shane's new CD - The One You Need I have not stopped listening to it since I've gotten it...I might wear it out!

On another note...I am putting this out there for prayer. I have been contemplating heading back to school (yes again :) For many of you, y'all know I have always wanted to teach. I really have felt in my heart for the past few weeks the need for a career change. Not meaning getting out of nursing (although sometimes it feels that way) but to be able to do something different with the career. I have started exploring options. I am praying for guidance and direction. I want this to be something that is God's will, not mine!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sweet home Alabama

Yea, for a week at home! I really had to get my car tag renewed, but I was able to make it into a week trip. My mom, sister and I took a girls trip to Birmingham (yeap, still keep my car registered in Jefferson County due to my house). I waited two hours in line since Alabama has past their new immigration law, but hear that two hours is actually pretty good time :) Then we headed to [where else but] the mall. We hit all the malls in Birmingham and also visited some of my favorite places to eat.
We traveled to T-town on Saturday and went to the Alabama game. It was fun to be back in SEC land and to watch Bama play.

Roll Tide!

The rest of my week was spent hanging out with family and visiting friends in Fairhope.
I sure do miss these three...

I have a few more weeks here in Houston and then I am going to be in Bama for Christmas. I am excited to be able to spend some time there, especially at this time of year. It is so rare for a nurse to be able to have Christmas time off, so I am definitely taking advantage of it this year.

I am still praying for where God will be leading me in January. But am excited for a new adventure and new year!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Make Something Beautiful...

Laura Story songs are the best...this song is exactly what I am feeling right now [Don't worry people, just the life of a single girl sometimes :)] and came on my Pandora at the exact time I needed to hear, words from my heart I tell you!

When I'm at the point of breaking at the place where I resign,
When I'm at the stage of shaking my head as I look back on my life,
When I'm halfway through the grieving, but not quite through the ache,
When I cannot see the ending, or which road I'm supposed to take,
All I know to do is lift my hands to You...

Take all of my life, all of my life,
And make something beautiful.
I open my hand, trusting Your plan.
Make something beautiful so all will see
Your work in me, as You make something beautiful

When I'm tired of pretending, and I can't recall my lines,
Do I say, I'm barely breathing, or just say, I'm doing fine.
I admit there is a yearning, for the hurting to subside,
But not at the risk of missing what You're doing with my life
All I know to do is lift my hands to You...

Take all of my life, all of my life,
And make something beautiful.
I open my hand, trusting Your plan.
Make something beautiful so all will see
Your work in me, as You make something beautiful
Make something beautiful

Cause all I know to do is lift my hands to You.
All I know to do is lift my hands to You.

Take all of my life, all of my life,
And make something beautiful.
I open my hand, trusting Your plan.
Make something beautiful
Take all of my life, all of my life,
And make something beautiful.
I open my hand, I'm trusting Your plan.
To make something beautiful, so all will see
Your work in me, as You make something beautiful
Make something beautiful
You make it beautiful

Sunday, September 25, 2011


This past week I was able to show my parents around Texas a bit. I don't know how much we really got to see, because they let me sleep in every day!!! So nice of them! But we did take a trip to San Antonio and visited The Alamo...

We also did some walking on the Riverwalk...

Then we returned to Houston and I did some more sleeping :) But we also visited the park here...

And did a little shopping and a lot of eating! Most importantly we were able to spend time together.

Update on what I am doing the next few weeks...I am staying in Houston for a few more weeks. I actually am extending my contract through the second week of December. Which I am very excited about, because it means I am taking the rest of December off and will be home for Christmas. Being a nurse this is a rare feat to conquer to arrange to have holidays off. I will also get to spend some more time with Drew, Deepti, and Ava-because they will be home for a few days during the holidays.

I am thinking my next stop will be California at the start of the year...what do you guys think? Any suggestions on where to travel?

Sunday, September 11, 2011


These past few weeks have been such a wonderful time for me, but also a tremendous trial in some ways as well. I really feel that God is preparing me and "growing" me for something bigger. What that is I have no idea.

This past year I have really turned my life upside down...rented my house, tried my hand at a new job close to family, decided to move to a new city. I know my parents have thought, "What is going on?" so many times (and trust me I have too, and still do!)

In a way, I am learning more independence. Which is strange because I really have felt very independent for the past 10 years. But I am also learning MORE DEPENDENCE on God-which is HUGE! I know my faith has been strengthened, even though at times I feel that in the past year it has been stretched beyond belief.

As I'm typing this Laura Story's song "Blessings" is playing in the background. Can I tell you how much I love this song? Every single word speaks to me and means so much. If you haven't heard it please listen and read the lyrics. I also love that after this song plays, the next song on my playlist is Matt Wertz "Everything Will Be Alright" which is more a song about a relationship, but I do love the reminder that everything WILL be alright.

I am coming to the end of my travel assignment here in Houston so I have a lot of decisions to make about what I am going to do...extend my assignment, travel somewhere else...I am still at a loss for what to do and it has been my prayer for the last few weeks for clear opened and closed doors. Whatever the next step is I know that God is going to guide and direct me.

I pray that wherever I might be next I will continue to grow in Him!

Monday, September 5, 2011

There's something about fall...

Fall is quickly becoming one of my favorite times of the year. This definitely has just happened over the past few years. I think a lot of it is because of college football, the cooler air, and the leaves changing color. I love thinking about it even :)

Being in Texas this year has made my anticipation for fall a little different. I know I will miss the leaves changing color (but I will be making a trip to Birmingham in October, so hopefully I will get to see some!) Who knows if it will ever become cooler here. I don't think my thermostat in my car has seen below 90 since I have been here. And football is just not the same matter what they say! Nothing compares to SEC football.

This past Saturday [of course] I had to work the day of the Alabama game, but thanks to satellite radio (which I am loving and subscribed to this time in my car, just so I didn't miss a football game!) I was able to listen to Eli and hear Bama's first victory of the season. ROLL TIDE!

As I got to work that night I was thinking of the other big SEC games that I would have been watching, and hoping that my patient would be watching one or there would be a room empty and I could watch occasionaly if I wasn't too busy. Was anyone at work watching or even talking about football? Nope, not one person! I know we would have had a game on at work in Birmingham even if it was not our team that was playing.

Just different observations, no matter what I still believe that the SEC is the best and definitely has the most loyal fans.

So here is to fall coming soon and hopefully visiting me in Texas too!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I should be studying...

Well, it has been a little while since I have posted anything and I am doing a little procrastinating right now. I should be studying for my ACLS renewal tomorrow, but every time I look at the book I remember why I did not go into anything cardio! Interpreting ECG's is not my thing!!! Hopefully I will survive tomorrow. Say a prayer for me.

So, I am sitting at Starbucks and listening to someone interview for a babysitting position, and it makes me think about college and when life was a little simpler but yet complicated...little do you know how much more complicated life gets while you get older and you can reflect and remember how trivial things were you worried about in the past. Which is what I try to remind myself of every time I get worried/stressed about the here and now.

Right now I am very much thinking about my future and what I am going to do. I really know now I want to put the degree I worked for so hard to use in some way. Be in prayer that the right job will open and be offered. I have found several promising positions. I am trusting that God will open the doors for what He wants for me.

Also, (as always) contemplating my singleness. Which I know I don't speak too much of (to most people at least :) because I do not like to dwell/think about this part of my life too much. I guess I know how I can make myself upset and question a lot about life when this subject runs through my thoughts. I ran across this blog the other day and it is perfect. This is someone that my sister follows, so I occasionally check her blog too...she went through a time of singleness and I really love what she had to say about it. I try to remember the blessing of being she says being able to enjoy doing what I want to do. I know that I would not have had the opportunities I have had to move and travel if I was married, and not so sure if I would have gone back to get my master's if I was married. God definitely has His blessings for singleness, but it is also very challenging at the same time.

My verse for the week: The Lord will fulfill HIS purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands. Psalm 139:8

Now back to studying :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sleepless nights...

Well they are at least sleepless for a reason :)

I have now worked five complete night shifts and to be honest it has not been bad at all, and I have been able (so far) to adjust back to a completely normal schedule during the day...YEA!!!

I have had a delivery every night I have been at work and usually have at least an admit for labor after I deliver and get my first patient to postpartum. It really is a little wild with how busy this hospital is. But it does make the time go by faster while there. And I will add to that- all my patients have been so very sweet and the doctors so very nice! Definite added plus to the job!

I had a really good weekend. Friday night my friend Katie and I wend down to the Galleria and walked around. This is no ordinary mall. It's HUGE! I still don't think I have seen everything there is to see there. Which is good--that means I will be back :)

I went to the movies on Saturday. And let me say- I feel very small town. They have these awesome theaters here where you can order food while watching the movie. You just hit a button on the table in front of you and someone comes and takes your order, refills your drink, etc. It was really neat. The area the theater is in was really neat too...lots of restaurants and stores and an open lawn space they had turned into a dance floor. Tons of families there. And best of all I learned there is a Brio here! Can't wait to get some Lobster Bisque soup!

I also am very encouraged about the potential to find a church home. I have been visiting places and this past week, I really enjoyed the church I visited. I am actually kind of sad that I will not be able to attend for two more weeks due to being out of town and working. But I am praying God leads me where He wants me to be.

Since my sewing has been on the back burner for a little while I have finally had time to think about some projects I want to do. Here are a few things I want to make...

Wouldn't that be the cutest baby gift? I also thought about making the fabric a bit longer and using some ribbon at the bottom to make it a gown. I know that my sister loved these on her children and it was hard to find anything larger than a 0-3 month size.

I have actually started this project. My niece is having her room done in owls and Kris and I thought these were so cute, I have one made but I think I am going to modify it a little bit...thanks Pottery Barn for the idea!

I am traveling home Wednesday morning for 7 days and will be making a quick trip to Birmingham for a baby shower. I'm excited about seeing my family and friends in Alabama. But before I can do that I have two nights more of work to get through :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Welcome to...

Well I made it to Houston!

I have been here a little over a week and everything has been going really well. I already really like the hospital that I am working in. And I am very impressed with how nice and personable everyone has been (except the drivers, that is a different story!)

I think the driving is going to be what I have to adjust to the most. Birmingham you think 280 is bad, it has nothing on the interstates here!!!

I start night shift this weekend. I admit I am a little anxious about that. I have not worked nights in 3+ years and am worried about how my body is going to handle it. Please pray :) I always enjoyed night shift, so in a way I am glad to be going back, but I want to be able to do things with friends during the day and also be able to get involved in a church and not be a zombie! I am determined to work really hard at this!!

Also, I will already be by myself. I had three days of orientation last week and now I get turned loose. In a way I like this idea, but in another way it scares me. This unit is huge (30+ beds and 90 + docs). The good thing is they do one on one nursing and many of their policies are much like what I did for 7 years, so it does feel a little normal. AND I already know one of their computer systems---yea!!! Because that would be a HUGE learning curve if I didn't.

Here is how I left things in Bama...

--and that is not all of it. My dad is still bringing some things from the house to load to get out of their way (glad he is the one going to have to figure out where it is going to go!). I am so grateful for the help I received from my dad, mom, brother and sister.
It is great to have family!!!

I will post again next week and let y'all know how I handle my first few nights!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As I mentioned a few post back...I am headed back to night shift.
I know some of you are thinking "wait how is that possible, while working at an office."

Well, I am actually trying out the field of travel nursing. I am so very excited about this opportunity and it has been very neat to see God's hand and direction in it all.

I have looked into travel nursing before but it was never the right time because I was always in classes with rotations. Not that it would not have been impossible to do both, but it definitely would have been a challenge. I started looking into it again probably about five months ago. Started talking to two travel companies and looking for positions.

I am not so brave that I wanted to adventure somewhere too far on my own.
So, I am going to Houston Texas. I have a close cousin and several good friends that live there, so I knew I would have connections in this big city!

Things have fallen into place over the past few weeks and have worked out so well (God's timing is perfect :).

Now I am in the phase of trying to figure out what to take with me.
I feel like I am packing for college again--only taking what will fit in my car!

I finish my week here at the office in Fairhope and then I am moving ALL of my things to a storage unit then leaving Saturday.

I am going to find it supper hard to say goodbye to these guys.
I have loved seeing them everyday and getting to hang out and play all the time.
It has also been awesome to be close to my parents and sister this past year.

I am going to miss the office too. I have loved getting to know everyone there and learning from two excellent physicians and fellow NP. I have learned a TON this past year and hope to be able to use all I have learned again one day.

Besides all of these "sad" things I am excited to be doing something that I have never done.
I have a feeling new adventures are in store!

Monday, July 4, 2011


I believe family is very important and I love spending time with mine.
This past week has been wonderful. As I mentioned before my brother, his wife, and new daughter have been in town visiting. I had a little photo shoot with are some of my favorites...

Isn't she precious?

We also did something we have not been able to do in a while. My mom's whole side of the family got together at the beach this week. It has been ten years since we have all been in the same place together. I forgot a flash card for my camera so I was unable to take pictures, but no worries there were plenty of cameras!

Then on the forth my family got together to hang out. We ate, swam, and played our new favorite game Banana Grams. If you've never played-check it out! (Thanks Fegan~for teaching me how to play!) Then we toped off the evening with fireworks.

I think these three had the best view!

Happy Birthday America!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Late Nights...

Since coming off night shift three years ago I don't see much of the 2 am and 3 am hours any more. Last night I was reminded what little sleep can do to someone.
My brother, his wife and daughter were scheduled to fly in to P'cola at 1120 pm. (key words "were")

My sister volunteered to make this late night journey with me to pick them up from the airport. And I must say I am so glad she did.

We started the evening at Cock of the Walk -- one of my favorite restaurants and it was SO yummy!
If you have never been-please go. It is well worth watching them flip cornbread, drinking and eating out of tin plates/mugs and the fried pickles are my fav!

We then went to the movies like we had planned while waiting for the flight to arrive....
Yes-that is TWO movie tickets you see there!
I think that--no wait, I KNOW that is a first for me to see two movies in one night!
We had to find something to occupy us while we waited.

It was worth the long night to finally get to see and spoil this sweet little one! (check back for more pics :)

I better be getting used to my late nights, night shift is quickly approaching me again...that I will save for another blog though!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Looking forward...

If you guys are like me I love having something to look forward to. Lately I have not had much going on besides work (more on that later)...

But the next couple of weeks I have a few things that I am looking forward to...


Yeap thats right..I get to go to the circus tomorrow! Very excited! I haven't been since I was probably five and can still remember eating a blue snow cone and getting it everywhere. Very excited to get to go with my nephew and two nieces. So much fun to see things through their eyes!

Next week I get to see these guys in Birmingham!

Of course we will miss Holly and Audrey! Hopefully we will all be together soon!

And then the next week I get to meet my sweet new niece...

Can not wait to get to hold her and spoil her rotten!!! I also get to see and spend some time with Deepti and Drew. They will be in south Alabama for a full month. It will be great to have them here.

What are you looking forward to????

Monday, May 30, 2011

Here I am...

So, here I am blog world :) I don't know how often I will post but I will try to keep you all updated on what is going on in my life at present.
As many of you know I am currently working in south Alabama and am feeling a little unsettled in life. I do feel that I am where I am meant to be right now, I am trying to not let that (unsettled) feeling overcome me. I know God has many great plans for me-just trusting He is going to guide me in my next steps in this journey.
So check back and see what God has in store for me!