Sunday, September 11, 2011


These past few weeks have been such a wonderful time for me, but also a tremendous trial in some ways as well. I really feel that God is preparing me and "growing" me for something bigger. What that is I have no idea.

This past year I have really turned my life upside down...rented my house, tried my hand at a new job close to family, decided to move to a new city. I know my parents have thought, "What is going on?" so many times (and trust me I have too, and still do!)

In a way, I am learning more independence. Which is strange because I really have felt very independent for the past 10 years. But I am also learning MORE DEPENDENCE on God-which is HUGE! I know my faith has been strengthened, even though at times I feel that in the past year it has been stretched beyond belief.

As I'm typing this Laura Story's song "Blessings" is playing in the background. Can I tell you how much I love this song? Every single word speaks to me and means so much. If you haven't heard it please listen and read the lyrics. I also love that after this song plays, the next song on my playlist is Matt Wertz "Everything Will Be Alright" which is more a song about a relationship, but I do love the reminder that everything WILL be alright.

I am coming to the end of my travel assignment here in Houston so I have a lot of decisions to make about what I am going to do...extend my assignment, travel somewhere else...I am still at a loss for what to do and it has been my prayer for the last few weeks for clear opened and closed doors. Whatever the next step is I know that God is going to guide and direct me.

I pray that wherever I might be next I will continue to grow in Him!

1 comment:

  1. I hate that we didn't get together while you were here, I do believe you are a Godly woman that I would be privileged to reconnect with and know. Leigh I will commit to pray for you as you seek the Lord's will and direction for your life. I can hear Him in your words and I am proud to know you! Be encouraged and take heart, for you are placing your trust in the One who absolutely, completely loves you and is working things together for your good. I love you and Joy does too!
